Sep 14, 2010

The Beginning of Changing

I don't know exactly what the purpose of this blog is going to be. I think I need an outlet for venting frustrations but I also need a place for writing practice. You see, with all the great things about Facebook and Twitter, I just don't seem to have a space online where I can just write whatever. There are too many family members on Facebook for me to complain about a fight I might have had with my husband. Twitter isn't necessarily the most appropriate venue for complaining either. I mean, how effectively can a person complain in 140 characters anyway?

The nice thing about a blog is that the likelihood of someone actually coming across this blog and reading my thoughts are slim to none. I highly doubt that I am going to become the next The Girl Who or Mamapundit. I know that I definitely won't have any type of following that would get me a book deal like they featured in the movie Julie & Julia. Anyway, what I'm here for is to become better. A better trainer, a better woman, a better wife, better all around. Maybe the loneliness of the Internet is just what I need to express myself freely and openly. I just need to try and remember that it is still possible that someone might actually read this. And if someone does read this blog, please accept my apologies in advance. You might not get anything from it. You might get bored of reading about my trips to the gym, what I may or may not have cooked for dinner, whether I actually read that professional development book that I've been meaning to read for 3 months, and whether or not I'm succeeding at my job.

But maybe, just maybe I'll find out a thing or two about myself through this whole blog-o-sphere. I've learned a lot about myself from Twitter, so maybe I can learn about myself through my random postings. Either way - here I am world. Help me understand you so I might be able to better understand me.

1 comment:

  1. Stumbled here and now am looking forward to reading more! Keep it up :-)
